Kids’ Courses
Hand Puppets and Oven Mitts for Families
Course Overview
Make a playful puppet or a practical oven mitt. The puppet and the oven mitt both begin with a similar base of colorful wool, wet felted around a resist. Add eyes, ears, tails and your oven mitt becomes a puppet! Is an oven mitt just a shy puppet or is a puppet just an oven mitt with personality and pizazz? You choose which one you would like to make, learning the basic skill of wet felting a three dimensional piece. This is a good introductory class of wet felting over a resist and may lead you to making hats, mittens, or slippers. Come have fun and enjoy what everyone in the class creates! Tuition for this class covers a child/adult pair. Youth must be age 6 or older. Pairs can make one mitt, or for an additional $15 payment in class to the instructor, each student in the pair can make their own project.
Required Tools
A towel