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Fiber Art

Felted Rugs

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Course Overview

Felt is hard to resist- it's soft, light, durable, beautiful, and brings such a feeling of warmth to the home. For centuries wool has been crafted into clothing, like boots, hats, and coats, but felt can also be a home furnishing. In the homes of many Central Asian nomads, felt rugs covered the walls and floors for warmth and beauty. In modern homes, felt rugs can add a beautiful and useful touch to any floor. Design and craft your own felted rug in the nomadic tradition, but reflecting your own taste and design sensibilities. We will begin by making pre-felt, cover elements of design, and then dive into laying out and felting a rug which will begin about 2' by 3' and shrink to a 1' by 2' rug. The shrinking process is all done by hand, so please come prepared to be on your feet and fully physically engaged in your project.


Sat, Aug 6th, 2016  –  Sun, Aug 7th, 2016

Course Details

Length: 2 Days
Hours: 9am-5pm


You will need the following tools for this class:

2 large towels clothes you can get wet plastic bag or other to carry home wet rug

Optional Tools

Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course. Any wool you would like to include in your rug.

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Mary Sannerud
Mary Sannerud
Grand Marais, MN

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Felted Rugs