Outdoor Skills
Fall Fly Fishing Tactics for Brook Trout and Splake
Course Overview
Fly fishing for brook trout and splake is almost cult-like in the North Country. As the leaves turn brilliant colors in autumn, water temperatures on the lakes begin to drop. Brook trout and splake take on dazzling spawning colors and move into the shallows from deeper water. As the season changes so do the tactics for locating and fishing these magical fish. This course is designed to mimic a traditional fly-fishing camp. During the day, students will bushwhack with their gear deep into the forest to access remote trout lakes (weather permitting). At lunch, students will gather on shore for round robin discussions about the techniques and flies that are working. Informal class gatherings will occur at the school nightly for good fellowship, fly tying and sharing knowledge in preparation for the next day’s fishing.
This course is designed as an advanced fly fishing class. Students must have completed the course Fly Fishing the North Country in Prime Time or have approval from the instructors. Call or email North House prior to registration to discuss with the instructors if you have not taken the prerequisite course but feel you have ample experience fly fishing from float tubes. Open to youth ages 16-17 if accompanied by an adult. Adult/youth pairs will complete pay two materials fees. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register.
NOTE: This course will involve hiking over rough terrain with float tubes and other gear for distances up to 3/8ths of a mile. Students must be in good physical condition to take this course. In addition, students will be partially submerged in cold water in their waders.
Required Tools
- Minnesota fishing license with trout stamp.
- Fly rod and reel with matching floating line (5-7 weight is recommended); clear intermediate, and sink tip or full sink lines are also recommended but not required. (North House will provide if you do not own any of these).
- Stocking foot chest waders. If you have only waders with boots attached you will need to bring fins that fit over your boots.
- Float tube and pair of fins for the float tube (North House will provide for a $50 rental fee for the length of the course if you do not own these and wish to rent them. Contact the instructor to reserve.)
- Personal flotation device (life jacket)
- Fly tying equipment. (if you do not have fly tying equipment then tying equipment will be provided).
- Sunblock
- Jacket
- Sweater
- Rain coat
- Long Underwear or fleece or both. It is critical that students wear long under garments and warm socks to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.
- Warm socks
- Polarized sunglasses
- Hat
- Fly-fishing vest or fly-fishing lanyard
- A change of warm clothes in the event clothes become wet.