Cedar-Strip Boat Construction: Techniques & Fundamentals
Course Overview
With more than just aesthetic appeal, cedar-strip boats are known for being lightweight, strong, and quick to build. Gain the know-how and confidence to complete a boat project in your own backyard through seven days of hands-on instruction building a tandem canoe with other students. Techniques involve setting up the strongback and templates, planking, fiberglassing, and fitting out the canoe, and other boatbuilding skills. Just like the title says, a solid foundation of the “techniques and fundamentals” provides the skills to navigate a cedar-strip boat building project at home. Once built, the boat will be for sale to interested students at a set price (a drawing will take place on the final day if multiple students are interested). If the boat is unsold after the course, it will be offered for sale via silent auction. Moving the boat is the responsibility of the buyer. Youth ages 12+ may register if accompanied by an adult. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register. Ages 16+ are welcome to register independently.
Optional Tools
- Handplane, even if it is in need of sharpening
- Ear and eye protection, provided, but you may prefer your own for fit and comfort
- Old long sleeve shirt for fiberglassing
- Old pants
- Apron
This course has been cancelled. We offer our deepest apologies.
If you were registered for this class, you should have received an email regarding your refund options. If not, please call us at 218-387-9762 or email us at info@northhouse.org.
We truly hope to see you in another class at North House soon!