Northern Ecology
Bees and Flowers: Behavior, Physiology and Ecology
Course Overview
The honeybee tends to grab the headlines these days, but the reality is that there are thousands of species of native bees that play a crucial role in ecosystems and pollination. Renowned biologist and author Bernd Heinrich has been particularly fascinated by the bumblebee and its role in northern ecosystems since the publication of his first book Bumblebee Economics. His research has taken him from Maine to Alaska to Ellesmere Island to investigate how the physiology of the bumblebee has impacted the biology of flowering plants. These northern studies apply as well to the climate of northern Minnesota. Join Bernd to dive deep into the world of the bumblebee. Time will be spent in lecture and discussion on campus, as well as a field component.
Course Details
You will need the following tools for this class:
- note-taking materials
- suitable clothing and footwear for time in the field (this could include a headnet, though this is optional)
Optional Tools
Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.
More Information
Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.