All About Morel Mushrooms: Online Course
Course Overview
The siren song of the morel mushroom is about to commence, as these delectable beauties start popping up all over the forest floor…for those lucky enough to find them. Whether a first-time forager or a old hand, this webinar will expand your knowledge. From the early black morels to the yellows following soon after, we’ll cover some keys to finding these popular fungi. We’ll explore myths that surround the “false-morels,” and discover why you can eat almost all of them. Safe preparation and preservation will be covered as well. Join Michael Karns for an immersive dive into the spring’s unparalleled edible mushroom. Note, there is a lot to cover and we know there will be questions, so we've broken this into three evening sessions.
Required Tools
This is an online course. Please have a laptop, tablet or phone and charger, and a good internet connection.