Course Overview
Rhubarb, beautiful rhubarb! Throughout the day, we’ll make and eat a variety of sweet, savory and drinkable rhubarb recipes including rhubarb cake, compote, chutney, salsa, saft (Swedish rhubarb soda), and syrup. We’ll even experiment with making cordage out of rhubarb fibers. This class emphasizes fun, collaboration, experimentation…and eating! You’ll go home with a full set of rhubarb recipes for transferring your garden’s bounty into meals, beverages and desserts.
Students agStudents aged 14+ may register for this course independently. Students aged 12-13 may register with a full-paying adult.Adult/child pairs will complete two projects and pay two materials fees. A 25% tuition discount applies to the youth registrant when registering with a full paying adult; call to register.