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Pickling, Curing & Preserving for the Northern Chef

Course Overview

January in the north. The taste of anything green and fresh can be but a faint memory borne away by gusting blizzard winds. But this need not be the case for those who pickle, cure and preserve vegetables, fruits and meats. Learn to fill the larder so you too can revel in complex and compelling flavor profiles of preserved foods no matter what the thermometer indicates. Join chef Scott Graden of the New Scenic Cafe for an exploration of the craft and chemistry of preserved foods. Exploring everything from cured meats to pickled beets, student will learn a variety of techniques to not only preserve foods but also how to highlight these unique flavors in menus and dishes that can be prepared year-round, adding panache to the table during even the deepest winter months. The course will close with community dinner for students and their families.

Currently Scheduled Sessions