North House ‘Out' N’ About’: Hand Crafting A Northwoods Paddle Workshop
Course Overview
North House Folk School is partnering with the Goods From The Woods initiative to offer a variety of hands-on, educational and inspiring coursework in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. This select forest-based course, taught by North House basketry instructor Mike Schelmeske, is being offered at the 'Up North' Marketplace September 20-21, 2008.
Create the traditional paddle used by Northwoods travelers for hundreds of years. In this workshop you learn about wood selection and wood grain considerations as well as paddle sizing and the theory of shape as applied to handles, shafts and blades. Participants will leave the course with a custom-designed canoe paddle constructed with simple hand tools, including a traditional spokeshave and blockplane. Lunch will be provided for students as they tour the ‘Up North’ Marketplace, meeting other artisans and woodworkers. No experience necessary. Register by contacting North House Folk School at 888-387-9762.