More Small Breads: Bialys, Wool Bread, Rye Buns, & Scones
Course Overview
Individual breads are fun to make, a pleasure to serve and a joy to eat. We cover a range of cultures with savory Jewish bialys with the filling of sautéed onions and poppyseeds; some salty Scandinavian rye buns called sigteboller that are both crunchy and delicate, and English scones that invite endless variations and come together in a trice. Then we’ll delve into a fascinating bread that emerged during the baking frenzy of the pandemic and resembles skeins of yarn. It seems like we should celebrate that something good came out of such upheaval — and it’s a showpiece tear-and-share loaf to grace any dining table. We may even work in a bonus recipe! Students should bring containers enough to transport several dozen pieces of individual breads.
Required Tools
- Paper bags to bring breads home
- Your favorite apron