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Making an Atlatl

Course Overview

Tired of your spear constantly falling short of its mark? Can't manage to penetrate the hide of that pesky mastodon? Maybe you need an atlatl (pronounced "OT-LOTTL"). The atlatl is a simple spear throwing device that uses mechanical leverage to increase the force of a thrown spear (more accurately a long dart) up to 2-1/2 times. This is a serious weapon. It is the precursor to the bow and arrow and should be treated with the same respect. Early cultures used them to hunt ancient bison and mammoths, and they were the weapon most feared by Spanish Conquistadors in South America because of their ability to pierce body armor. The current atlatl world champion reportedly threw a dart 848.56 ft. In this class, students will make a dart and atlatl and have the opportunity to test their workmanship in an area far removed from innocent bystanders.

Currently Scheduled Sessions