Lasagna-Style No-Till Gardening with the Northwoods Food Project: Local Solutions Series
Course Overview
Lasagna gardening? No, not tomatoes, basil and oregano, but an easy way to improve your soil. Gardening in northern climates presents more challenges than simply a shorter season: often, the same glaciers that shaped the beautiful and distinctive landscapes also left very little topsoil behind, making soil creation and retention serious issues for any gardener in the north. This session, hosted by local farmer Melinda Spindler and the Northwoods Foods Project, will include both discussion and hands-on experience. We’ll discuss the philosophy behind the no-till gardening method, and cover the how-tos and experiences of both the presenters and participants. After a lively session, we’ll head to the Community Garden at WTIP and install a no-till “lasagna” bed. Helping hands are enthusiastically appreciated, but observers are welcome too.