Kransekake: Scandinavian Ring Cake
Course Overview
The elaborate Kransekake, or Ring Cake, graces the celebratory tables of many Scandinavian affairs, but especially Norwegian and Danish weddings. In fact, one folk belief holds that when the happy couple lifts the top layer of the cake off, the number of rings that stick to it indicates how many seats they might need in a future minivan (careful, some of these cakes have 18 layers!). Regardless of its procreative prediction abilities, the Kransekake is delicious, fun to make and decorate, and gluten free! Made primarily of almonds, egg whites, and sugar and held together with royal icing, the ideal cake is hard to the touch, but chewy and flavorful. Learn to make this graceful centerpiece cake with baking expert Kim Hendrickson. A few tips from her practiced hand will set you up for a lifetime of successful ring cake baking, whether you claim Norse heritage or not. Note: the materials fee includes a set of specialty pans to take home.