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Knock, Knock: Norse Ring Handle Door Hardware

Course Overview

You won’t miss the sound of someone knocking on your door with one of these! Students will forge ring handles for door latches or door knockers, inspired by designs used on Norse structures as far back as medieval times. The ring will have a pair of stylized serpent heads forged either side of the wrapped pivot joint. A square boss will be forged into the escutcheon to hold the ring away from the door at the top and a collar forged on the ring at the bottom. There will be opportunity for intricate ornamentation for the more experienced smiths while those with less experience can find satisfaction producing simpler variations. Interior latch components will be shown and discussed but may not be completed in the time frame. The project will involve forging, filing, hot and cold chasing, and simple embossing. *NOTE: Though some experience forging would be helpful, a craftsperson with good hand-eye coordination and ability to form a mental image and visualize how to achieve it (such as a timber framer who does a lot of hand work) should do well without prior time at the forge. More advanced students can challenge themselves with more involved designs.

Currently Scheduled Sessions