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Five Day Slöjd Immersion: Shrink Boxes, Ale Bowls, and Knife Work

Course Overview

Five days of handcraft can be the beginning of a passionate relationship that will last a lifetime. Immerse yourself in craft step-by-step during this unique five-day course with Jim Sannerud. On day one, you’ll turn simple ale bowls, concentrating on form and thickness. Day two will focus on knife skills while carving spreaders and coathooks. Crafting shrink boxes, turning bowls on the lathe and adding embellishments (including natural pigments), will round out days three and four. On day five, you’ll design and begin a project of your own choosing to take home and continue your journey. You'll also head into the woods to harvest materials for use in some projects and draw a direct connection between tree and craft. Five days full of craft, stories, laughter and undoubtedly some new friendships…a truly wonderful immersion. Optional evening activities and film screenings will enhance the session.

Currently Scheduled Sessions