Fall Harvest Cooking Class: Cooking with the Seasons
Course Overview
Discover the tastes of northern Minnesota by joining in this hands-on, participatory cooking class that takes you inside the kitchen of Chef Judi Barsness at Chez Jude Restaurant, Wine Café and Cooking School. Last year's class focused on freshwater fish, allowing students to enjoy the abundance that Lake Superior provides. This year, the class will look to another freshwater resource - wild rice. Discover the wide array of tastes and peparation of wild rice in this course, as student students prepare and enjoy a Chef's Luncheon as a class - wild rice and thyme scones with wild rice chowder, wild rice butternut squash pilaf to complement wood oven roasted duck breast and cranberry port chutney. For dessert? Wild rice waffles, sage ice cream and caramelized honeycrisp apples: the taste of autumn in northern Minnesota. Your cooking class includes a recipe packet prepared by the chef to expand your cooking palette in your own kitchen.