Bushcraft: Summer Season
Course Overview
To the seasoned Bushcrafter a walk in the woods is like a stroll down the aisles of the local superstore. In this two day basics of bushcraft course students will start seeing the woods like a Bushcrafter. We will learn the basics of how to live in the bush comfortably by utilizing readily available natural materials transformed with simple tools and techniques. Students will build a comfortable summer shelter and learn a wide array of core bushcraft skills: powerful use of the bush knife, useful bushcraft & camping knots, primitive fire lighting, cordage construction, identification and procurement of available bush foods, the creation of equipment that allows you to live and travel in the bush safely and efficiently, and how to harvest these material resources sustainably. Particular emphasis will be placed on the skillful use of the knife, ax, and saw to create all that one needs to live and travel in the bush during summer months. This class meets on the North House campus, both days and then heads into the field for bushcraft training.