Building the Fisherman: Joe Seliga’s Square-Stern Wood Canvas Canoe Form
Course Overview
In 1938 renowned Minnesota canoe-builder Joe Seliga built a form he called a square-stern canoe. Joe built just 33 wood/canvas (or fiberglassed) canoes on this form, the last one in 1971. Recently, the Seliga family graciously donated the form to North House to use for classes. Join Joe's friend and fellow Ely canoe builder, Jeanne Bourquin, for thought-provoking days engaged in understanding and building on this historic form. The rich traditions and skills of wooden boat building will be encountered at every corner. The goals are simple: Immerse in the Seliga legacy and pull forth a nearly completed boat, ready for finish work. This course will take place over two sessions: one focused on bending ribs and planking the boat, the second on taking the boat off the form, canvassing and filling. Students may register for one or both sessions and take an active role in creating a piece of Minnesota history.