Beekeeping Basics
Course Overview
Hobby beekeeping is growing as people realize how rewarding it can be to collaborate with the amazing honey bee. A few pieces of equipment, a little bit of training, and a lot of patience can lead to not only delicious honey for you and yours, but a new relationship with the environment as you “tune in” with the bees. Join local beekeepers Mark Ditmanson and Jeanne Wright for a primer on how to get started in beekeeping. In the morning session, they’ll cover the basics of equipment and hive management, discuss how to obtain bees, how to maintain and over-winter hives in our harsh northern climate, and how to cultivate the landscape for your bees. As a treat, you may sample the delicious honey of the boreal forest. The afternoon will include a visit to an apiary where you will examine frames of honeycomb covered with bees, observe a waggle dance, spot workers and drones, and maybe even see the queen. The weather of course will determine how much of an examination is possible. Finally, you will retrieve test boards from each hive and return to North House to identify the Varroa Destructor mite. The class will also include information about supporting wild bee species and other pollinators, and an opportunity to make a wild bee house to take home. Get your questions answered and leave inspired to become an apiarist in your own backyard.
NOTE: Handling the frames requires protection. Students who have gloves and veils are encouraged to bring their own. The instructors have a limited supply of some to borrow that students can share. FleetFarm and Mann Lake Ltd. are good resources for gloves and veils which run approximately $45.
Required Tools
- Beekeeping gloves and a veil
- A limited number are available to borrow. Please indicate your needs at the time of registration - see instructor’s contact information in confirmation email.