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Composite Canoe Repair and Maintenance

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Course Overview

Composite canoes are light, efficient, and paddle like a dream but canoe country granite can chew them up if you’re not careful. It can seem a bit daunting to use modern resins and fabrics, but fear not. We’ll take the mysteries out of repairing that faithful paddling friend safely with simple tools and the right materials. While we can’t always make them look new again, we can go a long way to keeping them structurally sound, look better and last longer for the next trip to canoe country. Epoxies and polyester resins, fiberglass, and Kevlar can be used safely and easily if you know what to do. Repairing hull cracks, installing skid plates, replacing seats, gunnels, and other fittings will be covered and we’ll discuss long-term care and recoating. We’ll have a few canoes from local outfitters used as demonstrators of various levels of destruction and their appropriate repair techniques. Students are encouraged to bring their own canoes to work on with prior permission from the instructor. A materials fee (approx $25-$50) will be charged for the repair of the canoe based on the work done. This course is open to students ages 12+.

Required Tools

  • Please bring your own N95 approved dust mask or respirator to the class


Sat, Jun 28th, 2025  –  Sun, Jun 29th, 2025

Course Details

Hours: Day 1: 4-6pm; Day 2: 9am-5pm
Tuition: $175.00
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Meet the Instructor

Ted Bell
Grand Marais, MN

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Composite Canoe Repair and Maintenance