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Fiber Art

Textile Craft Workshop

Course Overview

Simple, portable, rich. Drawing from historical sources, everything covered in this course is a "take along" fiber arts project. You'll make your own tools for spinning cotton and wool the way it used to be done - with a "ten." There's a weaving project completed without a loom, coiled basketry worked in odds and ends with yarns, and a natural dye project, completed without a dye pot using dye materials collected from forest, bog and marsh. We'll experiment with braids and embellishments drawn from old Scandinavian textiles - flettet snor, frynseflet, bregdet band and rundflet snor. All are simple and portable projects with insight into the ways textile crafts evolved. This workshop will be useful for those who want to introduce textile crafts to children or adults – with many ideas for introducing traditional craft into the classroom.

Currently Scheduled Sessions

No sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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