Spindle-Turned Rolling Pins on the Lathe
Course Overview
Explore spindle turning basics on the electric lathe through making rolling pins. This class will introduce students to turning between centers in two, two and a half hour sessions. On day one, we will get acquainted with the lathe, tools, and safety measures. From there we will discuss spindle turning basics and start to practice shaping. The second session will be the time to make our final project, the Rolling Pin. There will be demos to make standard rolling pins, French rolling pins, and for the brazen students, rolling pins with depth gauges. The rolling pins will be finished and ready for use after the conclusion of the course. No prior experience is necessary. We welcome ages 16 and up.
This is a community class meant for Cook County residents. As such, the listed price of this class already has the local discount applied. There will not be an additonal local discount applied.
Physical Ability/Skills Needed
- Students should expect to be standing for the majority of the sessions, have moderate hand/grip strength, and want to learn.
Required Tools
- All tools will be provided, however, if you want to bring your own turning tools, you are welcome.
Materials Fee
- $20 materials fee to be paid to the instructor. Please bring cash or check.