Timber Framing
Service Learning Project: Timbered 'Green' Entryway: Handcut Joinery
Course Overview
Sharpen your chisel and get out your auger bits—this Service Learning Project is for timber framing enthusiasts aspiring to polish up their hand skills working timbers. On the agenda: cutting timbers for new covered front entryways on the Green Building. Given the unique and highly visible location on campus, we want the project both to tell the story of timber framing and to underscore North House’s commitment to handcraft. Anticipate spending abundant time using traditional timber framing tools including cutting with hand saws, mortising with beam drills, utilizing slicks and chisels, shaping with draw knives and spoke shaves, etc. Sharpen your tools, pack your tool bag, and be part of North House’s efforts, helping make campus an ever-more inspiring place to learn! Past North House timber framing students and other experienced woodworkers with timber framing aspirations are urged to participate. The frames will be raised the last day of the class.