Pram Boat Building: Build Your Own Traditional Norse Pram
Course Overview
Take this one-of-a-kind opportunity to build a custom-sized, traditionally built wooden lapstrake boat, originating in design and construction from the fjords and fishing villages of Norway and Sweden. Over 12 days, students will complete the Norse Pram, an inshore craft that makes an excellent tender or rowboat at the lake, and is often referred to as the “water wheelbarrow” of the fjords of Norway.
In consultation with the instructor, you build and design your own 10’ to 16’ pram using traditional materials including white spruce, white pine, oak and copper fastening to meet your intended uses for the boat. Students interested in building the pram as a sailing vessel are welcome to do so. The pram is built using old-world, simple and honest construction techniques. Students will learn to ‘loft by eye,’ making it a great project for the first-time boat builder, who will walk away with a lifetime of skills, or experienced builders interested in this unique style of construction. In the traditional fashion, the boat will be finished with pine tar, linseed oil and turpentine. Students are encouraged to bring a partner to help…this can be a great family project that will result in a lifetime of memories. The instructor will consult with each student six weeks prior to start of the course to assess materials needed for the intended boat to be built.
Many hands make light work! You are welcome to bring a partner to work with you for some or all of the duration of this course for no add'l tuition. This BYO project is also designed to include a minimum of three add'l students enrolled in the concurrent five day "Techniques of Pram Boat Building.” It is not possible to finish the project in the allotted time or budget without this support. If three students have not registered at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the course, NH will contact the BYO student to discuss options. One possibility is that the BYO student could pay add'l tuition and bring add'l people to assist. We make every effort to recruit enough students to make this project possible well in advance of the start date.