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Fiber Art

Leaves, Roots, & Bugs: Natural Dyes

Course Overview

Spend a couple of days with natural dyes, and learn a new avenue into color possibilities from ancient traditions. This class will cover some of the long history of natural dyes, the color possibilities they offer, mordanting techniques, the dyeing process, and some color theory. We will use readily available dyes like indigo, cochineal, osage, logwood, fustic, and madder, as well as talk about the process for extracting dyes from common "weeds" like Queen Anne’s Lace and Goldenrod. Students will take home dyeing instructions, many samples, and information on each of the dyes used and source lists on where to get them. Age 16+ may sign up for this course.

Required Tools:

  • Rubber gloves
  • 2 old towels
  •  6+ Small zip-lock bags
  • Calculator
  • Pen
  • Paper

Currently Scheduled Sessions

No sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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