Outdoor Skills
Komatik: Craft Your Own Hauling Sled
Course Overview
The komatik – an ancient sled developed, designed and used throughout the Arctic for freighting materials, equipment and people over vast distances. In its most traditional form, the komatik, or hauling sled, was made from bone, baleen, driftwood and leather. The runners were ideal for easy gliding over snow and ice, making heavy loads light when pulled by both humans and dogs alike. The ingenious lashing system provides a rigid yet flexible craft, allowing the load to be held off the snow surface, limiting drag and placing the weight on the runners. Each komatik built in this course is custom-sized to meet the user's intended use, load and personal outfit. The komatiks will be lashed using a braided tarred nylon cord, birch and basswood and applied performance plastic ‘shoes’ fit for the runners. The range of sizes may be 14”-18” wide and 8 feet long. The weight of these komatiks is approximately 20 lbs, with load capacities of around 200 lbs. Discussions about their traditional and contemporary uses and related winter camping topics will be an integral part of this course.