Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Knife Making in Traditional Nordic Styles
Course Overview
A good knife has been an essential tool for humans around the globe for millennia. Join guest instructor Niilá Omma of Skellefteå, Sweden to explore Nordic-style stacked handle knife-making. Using Swedish blades of high-quality steel, Niilá will provide antler, leather, and birch and teach students how to assemble a knife handle influenced by a mixture of traditional Scandinavian and Sámi styles and modern life and materials. Niilá notes, “This course will not only be in the construction of a knife but also in the philosophy and the long traditions behind it.” North House is excited to welcome Niilá as our Featured Guest for the Winterers’ Gathering and Arctic Film Festival.
Required Tools
A carving knife with a short blade (2”-3”): available at the NHFS school store.