Online Courses
Himmeli 2: Finnish Geometric Mobiles Online Course
Course Overview
Himmeli is a Nordic tradition brought to Minnesota by Finnish immigrants. Traditionally hung above a table or dining area, these geometric straw mobiles are a Christmas tradition and a link to old folk farming beliefs for ensuring a bountiful harvest. Himmeli can be enjoyed all year round though!
In this course students will construct a medium sized himmeli mobile. They will gain experience working with natural material (straw) as they learn how to construct this himmeli style. Students will also learn about the cultural traditions and history of the craft. This class will emphasize himmeli use in Finland but also include similar traditions in other Nordic and Baltic countries.
Required Tools
Students will receive a mailed kit from instructor containing all the supplies for the project including wheat, needle, thread.
Additional equipment students will need to provide
- Scissors
- Ruler
- An old container to soak straw
- An old towel
- A laptop or desktop computer with reliable internet access
Optional Tools
Reading glasses if you use them