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Northern Ecology

Get to Know the Night Sky: Webinar

Course Overview

Over the course of three evenings we'll explore the constellations, planets, and naked-eye highlights of the fall season with an emphasis on understanding the movement of the stars and celestial cycles. Through knowledge we can nurture a closer connection to the night sky and better appreciate our place in the universe.

Week 1: Easy constellations—
We identify the brightest stars and constellation groups and learn how they rise, set, and change with the seasons.
Week 2: Keeping tabs on the planets—
Planets are always on the move. We learn the secrets of their cycles to help you identify and track them in the years ahead. Since the moon returns to the evening sky this week, we'll get acquainted with its phases and motion. Students will get viewing tips for the upcoming total lunar eclipse on November 8. 
Week 3: Exploring the deep sky—
Beyond the stars lie countless nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies that take us to the edge of the visible universe. Since these objects are typically visible in binoculars and telescopes, your instructor will offer recommendations on what equipment to buy and how to use it.

Required Tools

  • Ability to join Zoom meeting
  • Download the free app Star Chart (Google “Star Chart app Android” or “Star Chart App iPhone”) in advance of class.

Currently Scheduled Sessions

No sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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