Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Forging Everyday Items of the Viking Age
Course Overview
Learn blacksmithing through making several small household items from the Viking age. This class will utilize traditional hand forging techniques to produce everyday iron items typical of those found in the archeological record from 9th century Sweden. Over the course of three days, students will forge a cloak pin, a firesteel, a small candle holder and a Thors hammer pendant. The course will explore the rich archaeological record from this time period and learn the significance of these items in Scandinavia. We will study original finds from this period of time to guide the design and forging of our own small everyday Viking age items. The discussions and demonstration of the use of these items will provide a deeper understanding of everyday life in Scandinavia during the 8th to 10th centuries. Materials fee includes the use of coal/gas for forgework and the cost of steel, etc. This course is open to students ages 14-17 if accompanied by an adult.
Required tools
- Safety glasses (provided, but you may wish to bring your own)
- Ear protection (provided, but you may wish to bring your own)
- Leather gloves (not gardening gloves)
- Cotton or other natural fiber clothing (no nylon clothing)
- Leather, close-toed shoes
- Shop apron
- Clothing comfortable to be outdoors
- Notebook and pencil
- Hair tie for long hair or beard
Optional Tools
- Favorite hammer
- Knife tongs