Blacksmithing & Toolmaking
Forging A Mjolnir: The Blacksmith's Rounding Hammer
Course Overview
No power hammer? No problem! In this class we learn to forge a rounding hammer by hand, without the use of power hammers. We will forge a 2.5 lb rounding hammer from a solid piece of steel. First, we will forge the set of tools needed to make the hammer including a slot punch, drift, and a set of hammer tongs. There will be a focus on teamwork and team striking in order to forge the larger stock we are dealing with. We will cover how to strike for another smith, and how to punch slots through large diameter steel. We will learn the basics of heat treating, how to dress a hammer properly, and how to affix a hammer head to a handle. This class is specifically aimed towards folks that do not have power hammers in their shops. It is amazing the amount of work you can get done with a partner swinging a sledge hammer! It is such a joy to forge with a hammer you have forged yourself! Students will need to swing a 6 lb sledge hammer. Students also need the ability to work together as a team, and most importantly have fun doing it! A child 16 and up can work with an adult.
Required Tools
All cotton clothing
Closed Toed Shoes
Safety Glasses (available to borrow, but you may prefer your own)
Optional Tools
Leather Apron
Leather Gloves
Blacksmiths Hammer
6lb or 8lb Sledge
Horned Viking Helmet