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Northern Ecology

Ferns: Finding Magic in the North Woods

Course Overview

Looking for magic in the North Woods? Fragrant Ferns, Common Moonworts, Forest Horsetail, Creeping Clubmoss, and Rusty Cliff Fern are all great examples of the magic we can find as we explore habitats from the shore of Lake Superior to inland forests and rocky outcrops. Practice with tools and techniques that will help you strengthen your overall naturalist skills. Bring a camera, notebook, and curiosity. The next time you’re out in nature with friends and family, you’ll be able to start the adventure confidently with, “let’s go find some magic!”

Required Tools

  • Comfortable shoes 

  • Clothing layers for any weather

  • Rain gear if needed

  • Water

  • Snacks

Optional Tools

  • Notebook

  • Camera

Currently Scheduled Sessions

No sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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