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Fiber Art

Felted Shoulder Bag

Course Overview

While in Denmark, Elise worked with the felter Mette Oestman, who shared a wonderful design for a wet felted shoulder bag. This bag is super durable and beautiful. Using the seamless resist method, a technique similar to wet felting slippers, hats, and mittens, students will learn how to make a three-dimensional piece. The bag will have a small pocket for a cell phone or other items and a sturdy coiled strap that students will make. 

Some wet felting experience is helpful. Students should be prepared to be on their feet and physically active to fully felt the wool so that it will be nearly as durable as a leather bag. See Mette’s website, to view her work! 

Students age 12+ may sign up for this course. 

Required Tools

  • Bring a plastic bag to bring wet projects home
  • Two towels
  • Plastic bubble wrap (if you have it and want to reuse it)

Currently Scheduled Sessions

No sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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