Fiber Art
Cobweb Felt Lampshade
Course Overview
Felt is a non-woven fabric that utilizes the ability of microscopic scales on wool fiber to attach and hold together firmly. Cobweb felting is an advanced form of felting that is made with a single layer of wool – sheer, but sturdy enough to hold together well. Cobweb felt is particularly beautiful when backlit and it is well suited for home décor like curtains and lampshades. In this course, students will create a floor lampshade using resist wet-felting techniques and longwool roving. These lampshades celebrate the structure of the wool fibers when illuminated. Students will leave with an understanding of how they can use this technique to retrofit lampshades they have at home and a handmade floor lamp that creates a soft, warm light to enhance any room. Prior wet-felting experience and familiarity with laying out wool will be helpful.