Building The Classic Wooden Rowboat: Build Your Own Susan Skiff
Course Overview
This is an ideal boatbuilding course for someone who has always dreamed of building a classic wooden boat and spending the time to fully enjoy the traditions, smells and trades of the wooden boat building shop. In just over two weeks students will mill the lumber, lay the planking and finish a flat-bottomed, square-stern 11-foot rowboat. Working with the talents of a professional boatbuilder, students will build their own Susan Skiff, a classic wooden boat with a carvel-planked bottom and lapstrake sides. Set for rowing or attaching a small outboard motor to enjoy a fishing outing, this classic wooden boat will provide a lifetime of memories and skills for the builder. Students are strongly encouraged to bring a partner to help…this can be a great family project. In this tutorial course, you will have an apprenticeship experience working side by side with trained professional boat builder John Beltman.