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Clothing & Jewelry

Viking "Knit" Chain Bracelet

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Course Overview

Come explore the ancient tradition of chain making! Students will use “Viking Knitting,” a centuries-old looping technique, to create a beautiful silver bracelet with a variety of unusual clasps. Historically, this unique method of weaving resembles “nålbinding” knitting and was used to fabricate everything from sweaters to netting for catching fish. Students will have the opportunity to complete a bracelet in a single day—no previous experience required—and all tools and materials will be provided. Add a charm for an additional charge or bring one of your own. Materials fees (approximately $145) will be collected by the instructor at the conclusion of class.

Materials fee (approx. $145 payable to instructor) covers: 

  • 13 feet/22-24 g. fine silver wire
  • Toggle and end caps (sterling)

Additional items provided by instructor (not included in materials fee):

  • Small table vise
  • 1/8" allen wrench
  • Wooden draw plate
  • Soldering pick
  • Chain nose pliers
  • Charms can be purchased for an additional fee (or bring one of your own!)

Ability Notes

All levels of proficiency are welcome. Please be advised that good hand strength, eyesight (I recommend the addition of magnifier glasses) and the ability to sit for several hours is required.

Required Tools

  • Notebook
  • Pencil or pen
  • Cash, check or credit car to pay materials fee to instructor

Optional Tools

  • Reading or magnifying eyeglasses


Thu, Sep 15th, 2016

Course Details

Hours: 9am-4pm
Tuition: $85.00
Additional materials fee paid to instructor when class starts: Varies (approx. $95)


You will need the following tools for this class:

reading or magnifying eyeglasses
pencil or pen

Other course materials are provided by the instructor.  They include:
1.  small table vise
2.  1/8" allan wrench
3.  wooden draw plate
4.  soldering pick
5.  chain nose pliers
6.  13 feet/22-24g. fine silver wire
7.  toggle and end caps (sterling)

Optional Tools

Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Liz Bucheit
Liz Bucheit
Lanesboro, MN

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Viking "Knit" Chain Bracelet