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Turning with a Skew Chisel

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Course Overview

Challenged by the skew chisel? This is the course to overcome fears and problems and discover the amazing capacity of this woodturning tool. Alan will take students through the shaping and tuning of the tool and how to create “scary sharp” edges. Next students will tackle between eight and ten different cuts. From there each student will apply the information learned to create several small projects such as tops, eggs, door stops and tool handles. Often a neglected or avoided turning tool, the skew chisel can become one of the most versatile of tools if turners take the time to learn how to prepare it and present it to the wood. While it’s not a face-grain bowl tool, the skew has a place with any object where the grain runs parallel to the lathe’s axis.


Thu, Nov 3rd, 2016  –  Fri, Nov 4th, 2016

Course Details

Length: 2 Days
Hours: 9am-5pm
Tuition: $230.00
Materials fee: $30.00
Additional materials fee paid to instructor when class starts: $30


You will need the following tools for this class:

Bring any skew chisels you already own, but I encourage you not to purchase a skew until you contact Alan or 

attend the class.  There will be plenty of skews for loan or they may be purchased before, during or after the class from Alan  (  Ideally I prefer a smaller skew in the ½” to 5/8” range and larger one in the 1 ¼” to 1 ½” size.  Only bring an “oval type” skew if you want me to show the limitations.

Optional Tools

Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Alan Lacer
Alan Lacer
River Falls, WI

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Turning with a Skew Chisel