Music & Stories
Tim's Laid Back Non-Fiction Writers' Workshop
Course Overview
North House is excited to welcome Tim Cahill, accomplished adventurer, travel writer, and founder of Outside Magazine. As part of his time on campus, Tim will lend his editing expertise to a lucky group of students. This writers’ workshop spans two days leading into Winterers’ Gathering, the annual kick off event to the season of white. Participants will submit a manuscript of 500 to 2000 words in advance of the workshop. During class, we’ll consider each participant’s submitted manuscript. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to these discussions, and all levels, from beginner to published author, are welcome. Analyzing the work of others is integral to the workshop process. It sharpens a writer’s ability to see flaws and identify outstanding features in her own work. Discussions will allow us to consider various matters of craft, such as lede, walk-off, structure, klunking, set-ups, and pay-offs. This is a unique opportunity to spend time learning in community with one of the giants of the travel writing field. Information on how to submit your manuscript in advance of the class will be provided after registration. Submission deadline: November 8.