Online Courses
Swedish Bonadsmålning: Online Course
Course Overview
Let yourself be inspired by the old painted tapestries of southern Sweden and create your own story painting on linen. Originally painted with egg tempera on cloth or linen, these tapestries depict religious or allegorical stories for the farmers who owned and displayed them. In this course students create their own unique bonad embellished with the decorative flowers and borders found in Swedish bonadsmålning. This course is appropriate for all painting skill levels as stencils are available and embellishments can be as simple or complex as the student desires. Discussions and demonstrations will explore traditional use of color and design, using historical examples as inspiration. Students will have the opportunity to create their own bonad that is truly handmade.
Students can choose from two different instructor-provided materials kits depending on their preference for using their own acrylics or interest in making their own paints from powdered pigments and egg yolks. All kits will include fabric. Students will need to supply brushes, various household items, and acrylic paints(if they choose the kit without paint).
Kit with egg tempera: $45
Kit without paint: $20 (after $25 refund)
If you think you already own most of what is in the full kit, please contact the instructor to discuss a partial kit option. Email pieperbloomquist@gmail.com with the words BONAD KIT in the subject heading.
Students interested in ordering the "no-paint" kit will need to email kkimmel@northhouse.org
· Eight small jars of powdered pigments in the following colors from : Yellow Ochre Dark, Light Sienna, Red Ochre, Red Iron Oxide, Titanium White, Vine Black, Burnt Umber, Blue (either Prussian, Indigo, or Blue Ochre depending on availability).
· Plastic palette with 10 wells https://www.dickblick.com/items/tray-7-12-10-well-tray-with-cover-round/
· Glass bottle with dropper https://www.dickblick.com/items/glass-jar-wdropper-each/
· 12” x 15” fabric canvas piece – either linen or jute (depending on availability)
· Small canvas piece for practice
· Jar of tinted acrylic gesso
· Watercolor pencil in raw sienna or raw umber https://www.dickblick.com/items/derwent-watercolor-pencil-raw-umber/
· 12” x 15” fabric canvas piece – either linen or jute (depending on availability)
· Small canvas piece for practice
· Jar of tinted acrylic gesso
· Watercolor pencil in raw sienna or raw umber https://www.dickblick.com/items/derwent-watercolor-pencil-raw-umber/
· Small bag of light sienna powdered pigment for making transfer paper
Required Tools
- Plastic covered board or flat surface on which to tape your fabric down flat while you apply background gesso.
- Masking tape
- Empty cool-whip container or similar
- Stylus if you have one, otherwise a pen or sharp pencil will work
- Paper and pencil for notetaking if you wish
- Sketch paper and pencil/eraser for drawing your 9 x 12 design
- Ruler
- Palette for acrylic paints (if you are using acrylic)
- Small palette knife OR tiny spoon for getting paint out of small jars
- Paper towel
- Q tips
- Brush pan for water
- Small amount of rubbing alcohol
- 1-2 eggs (any kind or size)
- White vinegar (or cider vinegar)
- Brushes: These are SUGGESTIONS ONLY, and are the brushes the instructor uses, but please bring what you have. It is more important to use brushes you are comfortable with than the exact brush listed here.
1. Filbert and/or Round Brushes #4, #6, and #8. Good brands are Winsor&Newton, Princeton Select, Loew-Cornell, American Painter. (instead of a #8 round, a 1/4” or 5/8” filbert will work)
2. Long liner (about ½”-5/8”) – for example #3 size Winsor&Newton Cotman Watercolor Brush series 222 or Dick Blick Scholastic Wonder White size #0
3. Shorter liner – for example: Princeton 3750 #1 or #2, Winsor&Newton Cotman 222 series #1 or #2, American Painter 4350 liner #1, Loew-Cornell 801 liner#1 or #2
4. Any flat house-paint or gesso brush that is at least 3-4 inches or so .
5. Students are encouraged to bring a variety brushes, so bring what you have.
- A great attitude and a favorite item you would like to show the class!
Session Information
To ensure that materials arrive in time for class, deadline for registration is February 9, 2022
IMPORTANT: Students interested in ordering the "no-paint" kit will need to email kkimmel@northhouse.org before this date to request the kit and will receive a $25 refund off their $45 materials fee.