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Northern Ecology

Owling: The Darker Side of Migration

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Course Overview

As darkness supplants daylight in the seasonal journey toward winter, the landscape along Lake Superior hosts a migration of owls that defies logic in its size. Thousands of Northern saw-whet owls course the shoreline in their quest for seasonal resources with one goal in mind: survival. During the fall migration, USFWS master bander Bill Lane bands and releases hundreds of owls, hoping that their movements and journeys will be documented to shed a little light on the mysteries of owl migration. Join him and the owls in his field laboratory for an evening you’ll never forget. In the event of a weather cancellation, this course will automatically reschedule to the following night.


Sun, Sep 18th, 2016

Course Details

Length: ½ Day
Hours: 8:00pm for Sept dates; 7:30 for October dates
Tuition: $55.00
Additional materials fee paid to instructor when class starts: $0


You will need the following tools for this class:

warm, fleece clothing (no nylon or other noisy fabrics please)


something to sit on

Due to the nature of the work, there can be no flash photography on site. Some limited opportunities for photos (without the use of a flash) may occur but note that the emphasis of the evening is not on photography.

Optional Tools

food and drink for late night snacking

More Information

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Owling: The Darker Side of Migration