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Traditional Crafts

Mosaic Garden Art

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Course Overview

Mosaic, the ancient art of using tile and found objects to make a design, meets the 21st century in your backyard! It may be just a bit too early to get your hands into the dirt in your garden, but this course will inspire you to embrace spring colors in a different format. During the class you will learn how to mosaic or expand your skills using materials and techniques specific to outdoor projects. Colorful and whimsical mosaic designs can range from gazing balls to flower pots to cement sculptures. Bring your own form or choose from a variety of options that the instructor will have available to purchase. Ceramic and glass cutting, using adhesives and grouting will all be covered so you can continue on and fill your garden with whimsy.


Fri, Apr 1st, 2016  –  Sun, Apr 3rd, 2016

Course Details

Length: 3 Days
Hours: 9am-5pm


You will need the following tools for this class:

SAFETY EQUIPMENT Fabric & Nitrile gloves (found at hardware stores) or disposable gloves dust mask safety glasses

Optional Tools

CRAFT ITEMS favorite random tiling objects – marbles, rocks, broken ceramics, dishes, costume jewelry, etc plastic containers (for organizing tile, etc) *please bring as much random tile or ceramic pieces as you can collect for yourself and to share with others bases: 1. concrete sculptures - often found in garden stores, 2. Terra cotta flower pots, 3. Concrete stepping stones

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Meet the Instructor

North House Folk School photo of instructor, Jeanne Wright
Jeanne Wright
Grand Marais, MN

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Mosaic Garden Art