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Outdoor Skills

Fly Casting Workshop and North Shore Fly Fishing Primer

Course Overview

Landing a fly gracefully on a quiet inland lake or gently on a rushing river is an experience everyone should have. In this workshop, you'll be introduced to the basic techniques of dropping a fly 50-60 feet out, as well as the fundamentals of roll casting. The class ends on the shores of Lake Superior and you should be comfortable with the basics of fly casting by the end of the day. You are encouraged to bring your own gear. Equipment is available for rent from local outfitters. This is an ideal course for beginners new to fly casting, as well as to advanced fly fishing enthusiasts looking to perfect their cast.

Note, students may be interested in attending the Fly Fishing Field Adventure, offered following this course for additional in the field experience. 

Required Tools

  • Fly rod
  • Reel
  • Line
  • A MN fishing license is not required for this course, but if you plan to fish afterwards, you are required to have a license
  • Extra clothing for being outside: May can still be chilly on the North Shore!
  • Students who do not own a fly rod or a reel  should contact the instructor to discuss borrowing the limited amount of equipment we have available for class. Information will be provided upon registration.
  • Rental is another option: if rental equipment is needed please contact  Bear Track Outfitters: 1-800-795-8068


Sat, May 27th, 2017

Course Details

Skill Levels: Beginner
Hours: 9am-5pm
Intergenerational age: 14+
Tuition: $90.00
Materials fee: $5.00


You will need the following tools for this class:

fly rod
(a MN fishing license is not required for this course, but if you plan to fish afterwards, you are required to have a license)
extra clothing for being outside: May can still be chilly on the North Shore!

 **Students who do not own a fly rod, a reel or a sink tip line should contact the instructor to discuss borrowing the limited amount of equipment we have available for class. Information will be provided upon registration.**

** Rental is another option: if rental equipment is needed please contact Bear Track Outfitters (.5 mile from North House campus) - 218-387-1162

Optional Tools

Float Tube
** a variety of additional rental equipment is available from outfitters in the area - please inquire Bear Track Outfitters (.5 mile from North House campus) - 218-387-1162
The instructors have some equipment available as well; please call Nort

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Fly Casting Workshop