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Chocolate Truffles: Make Your Own

Course Overview

A box of chocolates may be the perfect gift, but it’s even better when those chocolates are made by hand in your own kitchen. In this half-day hands-on cooking class, learn to make Belgian-style truffles with butter cream fillings. Unravel the mysteries of tempering by touch and feel and how to avoid seizing up (you and the chocolate!) the history, cultivation and development of this global favorite and gain insight into how best to purchase and select chocolate for your home projects. You’ll leave with plenty of truffles to share with friends and family or keep entirely for yourself. We won’t tell.


Sun, Feb 7th, 2016

Course Details

Length: ½ Day
Hours: 9am-1pm


You will need the following tools for this class:

Students should wear clothing that they don’t mind being completely covered in chocolate by the end of the class, and should have an apron.

Optional Tools

Feel free to bring your favorite tools and whatever materials you might feel appropriate for this course.

More Information

Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with further class information. Please call us if you haven't received it within 24 hours.

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Chocolate Truffles: Make Your Own