Woolly Potholders: Online Course
Course Overview
It really is a miraculous fiber! Take wool from a sheep, add water soap and agitation and a durable, washable, material is created. Add fire resistant, mildew and odor resistant qualities, and it becomes a great fiber for kitchen use. The potholders will not only be practical, but aesthetically beautiful. Using needle felting you will create designs you will want to hang on the wall, not hide in a drawer. Enough material will be sent for two potholders and you are encouraged to make a design of your own choice. No artistic skill is needed as the beautiful colors of wool will do the magic!
Required Tools
Students provide:
- Two towels
- Hot water
- A large bowl
- Bar of hand soap
- Dish soap
- Sponge
- A place to work with water (a large cookie tray works well or a large plastic bag)
- A computer or laptop with reliable internet connection