Wood-Fired Masonry Cookstove Building
Course Overview
Wood-fired cook stoves have been in use in one form or another for thousands of years. There are over 100 million cookstoves in the world that are used on a daily basis for cooking the daily meals, heating water and heating small homes. We will be building a small masonry cookstove that is large enough to heat a 500+ square foot home plus have the ability to cook and bake every meal on a daily basis along with heating your domestic water. This class will cover foundations, design, hardware mounting and code issues along with showing you illustrations on how you can incorporate a bake oven and hot water into other cookstove designs as well. The stove will be built with concrete blocks and firebricks set in clay mortar and will be dismantled after class. Cookstoves are meant to be simple cooking and heating appliances. This simple design is based on the same stove that Masons on a Mission teaches in Guatemala that is used daily in tens of thousands of houses around the world. We will briefly cover some fancy cookstoves to show you other options.