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Windsor Chair Classic: The Sack Back

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Course Overview

There is a certain elegance, function and beauty in a well-designed and constructed Windsor chair. In this class we'll be making a classic sack back Windsor chair. The sack back, besides being a favorite chair, is perfect for learning Windsor chair construction. There are two steam bent pieces and setting in the arm posts is a valuable skill. We will also learn how to use a number of traditional hand tools including scorps, drawknives, travishers, planes and spokeshaves. Students become familiar with sight lines, taper sockets, steam bending and riving. The emphasis is on traditional and time-honored techniques and quite frankly the only 'modern' improvement to traditional chair making may be today's glue. Legs and stretchers are pre-turned but lathes and turning may be demonstrated. Discussions may also include applicable Windsor chair painting techniques.

Currently Scheduled Sessions