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Tree & Shrub ID for the Craftsperson and Naturalist

Course Overview

Wood carving, bow and arrow making, traditional hide tanning, herbal medicine, basket weaving, rope and cordage, fishing nets, friction fires…these are just a tiny sample of the practical uses of woody plants for the northern crafter. This course is designed for both the traditional craftsman and the naturalist. We'll look at the diversity of trees and shrubs in Cook County, learning to ID approximately 25 species by twigs, leaves, bark, and overall form, and then go in depth with their possible uses, both currently and historically. Whether you're a woodworker looking to harvest trees for future projects, or a weaver wanting to learn about other materials to gather, a fiber artist, an herbalist, a budding botanist, or just curious about what's out there, this class will give you a broad foundation for working with your home landscape. Time permitting, we'll learn a simple craft or two from what we find on our walk.

Currently Scheduled Sessions