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Traditional Shaving Horse Building Workshop (Service Learning)

Course Overview

Support North House Folk School’s passion for woodworking and woodcarving while learning the fundamentals of putting together a traditional shaving horse - a must-have shop tool for any traditional woodworker. As a group, students will build up to 6 shaving horses for the North House woodshop (from ash and oak hardwoods), while learning basic mortise and tenon joinery, the assembly and function of the shaving horse and an introduction to applicable woodcarving projects related to the shaving horse (including some woodturning demonstrations). After this workshop, you will go home with a set of plans and know-how to pursue a shaving horse project on your own. Experienced and beginning woodworkers are encouraged to register. Your participation fees for this service learning project include: * traditional hand tool maintenance and use * basic mortise and tenon joinery * basic woodworking skills * lunch served daily on the North House campus for all service learning participants * pizza potluck in North House's wood-fired pizza oven

Currently Scheduled Sessions