Tofu, Tempeh, Seitan: Traditional Plant Proteins from Scratch
Course Overview
Not simply substitutes for meat, homemade tofu, tempeh, and seitan are unique yet versatile foods worthy of a prominent place in any cooking repertoire. In this course, we will explore the rich traditions and creative techniques developed in South and East Asia to turn grains and legumes into savory and filling staples. We will make each of these items from scratch, practicing various processing methods along the way. As we go, we will discuss the nutritional science of soy and gluten, as well as the cultural context of these traditional foods. The class will finish with an explanation of cooking techniques and by preparing a few dishes to share. If time allows, we may explore special preparations, such as okara, non-soy tempeh, and yuba (tofu skins).
Whether you are a vegetarian who wants to go beyond the Beyond Burger or an omnivore who’s drawn to the culinary possibilities of plant proteins, a surprisingly delicious world awaits.
This class is open to students age 14+.