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Sviping: Crafting Scandinavian-Style Bentwood Open Containers

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Course Overview

Construct two bentwood containers and you will reach one of two conclusions. One, this is great, when can I learn more? Two, well, tried that. One thing is guaranteed, you will never see similar objects the same way again. In this course, students will learn how to make Scandinavian bentwood boxes (sviping). For centuries, bentwood boxes have been used in Scandinavia as functional and aesthetically charged storage containers. Bentwood boxes have both utilitarian focus and an artistic charm. Students will first form the overlap fingers on two supplied pre-bent containers. You will then lace these fingers and fit a bottom. You will also make a form, then soak and bend a container to take home and complete. Tool use, sharpening, and technique will be touched upon daily. The history of the uses of traditional sviping will also be explored.

Currently Scheduled Sessions